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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 1

Yesterday was Day 1 on IP and I would have to say it was successful. I took all the vitamins (10 total) which are spread out three times a day, I drank well over 64 oz of water, and I followed the diet to a 'T'.

This is what an average day will consist of (the packets flavors will very).....

Breakfast: Vitamins and the IP Packet, Chocolate Shake.
Lunch: Vitamins and the IP Packet, Broccoli and Cheese Soup + 2 cups of broccoli w/ sea salt.
Afternoon Snack: 1\3 IP Packet, Dill Pickle Zippers (*this meal is only allowed the first couple days on IP)
Dinner: 8 oz ribeye w/ sea salt and pepper + 2 cups of asparagus in olive oil.
Night snack: IP Packet, Chocolate Pudding.

Basically you have 3 IP packets a day while in Phase 1. These can be things such as shakes, puddings, soups, omelets, bars, puffs, etc. You are in Phase 1 until you hit 90% of your weight goal. For me, this would be 63 lbs.

Lunch yesterday was a little difficult for me. I actually put the broccoli in the soup to make it thicker and I could barely eat the entire thing. I was soooo full however, I made it happen afraid that if I didn't, it would be hurtful to the process. I plan on speaking to my coach about this.

I told myself I was going to put my scale away and just surprise myself when I have my official weigh-in at RVC but everyone knows I'm not good with surprises so I jumped on the scale this morning. Believe it or not, I was 3 lbs down from yesterday! I'm telling myself that it's my body coming down from the sodium party I had last weekend plus all the water I drank yesterday but we'll see! Only time will tell!

On to Day 2....

Day 1, 4/22/13

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